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REMplenish™ Provides Targeted Tongue and Throat Exercise While You Drink Water
Backed By Science
How Airway Health Impacts Mental & Physical Health
While most often associated with sleep issues such as snoring or sleep apnea, poor airway health can contribute to a multitude of conditions including chronic fatigue, headaches, depression, anxiety, excess weight gain, behavioral issues such as ADHD, bed wetting in children and many more.
Compared to our ancestors, we eat a softer more processed food diet resulting in the under use of the muscles for chewing and swallowing. As a result, our mouths are smaller, and our tongue and facial muscles are weak and under-utilized. A smaller mouth/jaw and weaker muscles results in a less efficient airway, impacting the ability to breathe and get quality sleep. This can affect every aspect of mental and physical health. – Here are just a few of the conditions that are related to poor airway health.
The Critical Role of the Tongue in Airway Health
The tongue plays a vital role in how a person eats, swallows, tastes, speaks, and most importantly breathes and sleeps!
The position of the tongue affects how strong the airway is to reduce the risk of airway collapse or vibration. Humans are obligate nasal breathers and are not intended to breathe through their mouth. When breathing through the mouth at night, it makes it more easy for the jaw to open and tongue to relax and fall back into the airway.
Good tongue posture helps stabilize the jaw and is the natural way to promote nasal breathing through the day and night. To achive proper tongue posture, the front and back of the tongue should be lightly suctioned to the roof of the mouth with the tip of the tongue 1/4" behind the top front teeth.
Practicing good tongue posture and nasal breathing through the day builds powerful habits that carry over into the night leading to better breathing & sleep.
What REMplenish Does
Drinking water through a REMplenish Myo Nozzle provides targeted passive exercise to the muscles of the tongue, mouth and throat. This reinforces proper tongue position, strengthens the airway, and supports nasal breathing.
The REMplenish Myo-Nozzle engages the genioglossus, soft palate, and the pharyngeal dilator muscles. For best results drink 60 ounces of water daily with REMplenish at least 5 days per week. Results typically begin within one month of use, with greater improvement when used for multiple months.
This easy form of myofunctional therapy exercise can help in so many ways; better sleep, improved breathing, reduced snoring, proper swallow support, improved tongue posture, and overall improved quality of life.
Early intervention is critical in the growth years of Children
Learn More About Airway Health
Check out our Airway Health Blog articles below.