Hey! I so appreciate having a sense of empowerment - of having control over my apneic episodes. My throat legitimately seems stronger…taking a drink from the nozzle muscularly activates the back of the mouth in an unusual way you can easily feel.
3 weeks in and already seeing an improvement!!
Happy for the stainless steel. Leaks when inverted.
I found I already was using proper tongue placement so that pleased me. I bought it mainly for my son who had sleep apnea and was recently diagnosed with severe apnea. He doesn't have good coverage and had to pay $500 just for a home testing. For financial reasons he is waiting for the first of the year to get the machine. He doesn't notice a difference yet but I am hopeful for this to help him.
According to the person sleeping next to me, I still snore.
This seems like a very useful tool for many people, unfortunately I am not one of them. I’m looking for an orofacial myologist to help me use this properly. The quality of the product is very good, though!