I was excited to try this straw out after seeing ads for it on Instagram. You know, the one comparing it to the nose strips? I was taking off my nose strips as I saw the ad (Instagram is creepy like that). I got my straw in the mail and drank like 40 ounces of water with it throughout the day. It took a bit of getting used to, and I had a bit of soreness at the back top of my mouth, but my wife told me it was the first time she slept through the night in a while. I woke up refreshed as well! I thought: maybe a fluke. Let’s see how it is tomorrow. The next few nights were the same thing! The next few times I took a nap during the day, my wife told me it was amazing because I looked like I should be snoring (mouth wide open, sprawled out) but no noise came out of my mouth except quiet breathing.
I’m a believer. I tell my friends but they have their doubts because they’ve had to endure it for so long. How can something help this thing overnight?? Don’t know, but it did for me! Also, the price might seem a bit high for a small piece of rubber, but the price is well worth the results I got from it. How much would you pay for even just one night of good sleep for you and your partner? To not have to use those nose strips that leave a sticky residue and discoloration on your nose? Way more than I paid for this straw, that’s for sure. Great product!
I know there are lots of different reasons why people snore and this just hit the nail on the head for my reason for snoring. I hope it does for you too, stranger reading this review!