Airway Health

Physical Therapist Dr. Andy Sabatier on Functional Breathing

by Dr. Andy Sabatier PT, DPT

Founder of Academy West Breathing Performance










My work involves helping patients of all ages to reduce suffering and improve their quality of life.  I do this by helping them master their breathing performance.  This means first shifting from dysfunctional breathing to functional breathing - using their breathing system (every muscle from nose and groin) more efficiently and effectively which impacts every single body system.  One of the most important skills to learn is maintaining a closed mouth.  This requires a strong tongue that moves functionally and the REMplenish products a wonderful tool for this exact purpose.

My favorite thing about the REMplenish concept is that it doesn’t make someone add anything extra to their life.  By simply switching water bottles or straws, someone can get stronger and help themselves.  These are ideal for someone looking to help themselves in every way possible who get intimidated by having to “do too much".  

My adult patients state they can feel immediately what the straw is training them to do.  Sometimes this is a surprising feeling, sometimes it is very familiar.  The feeling of a “tired tongue” is unique, but it shows someone that they are getting exercise and that means getting stronger.  I recommend these for anyone who is suffering from sleep apnea, has issues with mouth breathing during sports, asthma, COPD, POTS, or any autonomic dysfunction including long-COVID.  If you are an adult who wants to breathe more functionally, this is a useful tool.

My pediatric patients do well with the REMplenish products when the right environment is created.  First of all, the parents have to be on board too.  If kids see them using these bottles, they are likely to be more enthusiastic.  I also recommend small incentives like an M&M every time they empty a bottle.  I recommend this product for any child who suffers from sleep disordered breathing, swallowing issues, asthma, POTS, or any autonomic dysfunction. 

I have used this product personally as well as with my family including children as young as 2 and adults as old as 75.  I’ll end this endorsement by simply saying that every single human being would benefit from using this product.  Anything that influences more functional breathing in a non-invasive way with low cost and high durability is worth the investment.  If you value your airway, your breathing, your dental health, your sleep, or your fitness - you have found a great product.  We at Academy West Breathing Performance heartily endorse the REMplenish concept.  If you would like to know more about how to master your breathing, we hope you’ll reach out to us.

Reading next

The Hidden Airway Epidemic by Jennifer Blunston, PhD, Cert. BBM, PTS
Breathing Easy: The Surprising Dangers of Mouth Breathing and How Myofunctional Exercise Can Make a Difference

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